We have submitted a session to EGU 2014 (27 April - 2 May 2014) on "Taking the temperature of the Earth", continuing this year's highly successful session. Abstracts can now be submitted through the session page on the EGU website, where you can also find more information about the session (abstract deadline: 16 January 2014).
Note that our session will be one of the innovative PICO sessions. PICO (Presenting Interactive COntent) is a new session format developed by EGU designed to be more interactive and encourage more interaction between presenters and audience. We are thrilled to try out this new format, as it supports the vision of the EarthTemp Network to experiment with new ways of encouraging dialogue and collaborations.
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- Written by Stephan Matthiesen
- Hits: 1938
Glynn Hulley and Pierre Guillevic have submitted a session Taking the Temperature of the Earth: Challenges and Applications Across All Earth Surface Domains for the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco (9-13 Dec. 2013). The call for abstracts is now open; abstracts have to be submitted by 6 August through the Meeting website.
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- Written by Stephan Matthiesen
- Hits: 1875
Some pictures and impressions from the second EarthTemp Network meeting in Copenhagen are now online.
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- Written by Stephan Matthiesen
- Hits: 1859
The Community Paper arising from the first workshop has been published in Geoscientific Instrumentations, Methods and Data Systems (GI). It is open access, and in the discussion phase (until 5 August) everybody is invited to write comments and reviews through the GI website. The comments have a status similar to the official peer-reviews and will be taken into account when the final version is produced.
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- Written by Stephan Matthiesen
- Hits: 1995
The programme for the Second EarthTemp Network Meeting is now online.
- Details
- Written by Stephan Matthiesen
- Hits: 1779